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Marc Primo Warren

Updated: Mar 11, 2021

This is an article “How the Age of Mobile Revolutionized the Art World” by Marc Primo Warren

Many have tried to draw the connection between the impact of technology on modern art and how mobile phone technology has influenced it. Before we go any deeper on the subject, it’s important to note how mobile phones have greatly motivated today’s generation to a point wherein the creation and perception of art has also drastically changed through time.

Recent studies show that people now live in the digitalized age of information, making smartphones and the Internet the most go-to sources for knowledge and communication. This has also caused a cultural shift towards technology and innovation, which can be attributed to the constantly changing digital landscape today and how art continues to redefine itself according to trends and social situations.

Today’s art has wider reach

One way the mobile age has revolutionized the art world is how easy it is to share images or art works with other people in real time. With this, more mobile users have widened art’s reach and empowered it to influence more people through various online social media platforms. In 2012, a study estimated that every individual on planet Earth has already shared an image online which they consider to be artistic. Now the question is this: With this convenient sharing of art pieces online, does it somehow jeopardize how people in general view art as they are or have we lost its very concept?

Art, being technology driven today, only diversifies the range of how an equally diverse set of groups view them. Because of this, it is essential to discover which patterns and direction the modern art movement is moving towards so we can truly define it as it is.

The impact of smartphones on art

As proven by recent research, technology has become part of our everyday dynamics and linking its influence to modern art is undeniable. With massive information and digital access, more people have come to appreciate various forms of art and themselves have attempted, at least at one point in their lifetime, to create or innovate. Smartphones have paved the way to give new definitions in terms of design while also effectively combining the essential elements of classic art with contemporary designs and applications.

Partly, photography has evolved into one of the most technologically advanced art media for many, fueling its use in marketing and ad materials all over the world. However, debates have risen as to whether which images shared online can be considered to have artistic value and which ones are merely pretentious. Currently, experts in academic institutions still critique colour photography in the classroom and pinpoint what falls short in conveying the beauty of the scenarios through even the most miniscule details.

This can only mean that smartphones are not widely recognized tools yet for professional photography, much more as tools for creating art itself. More importantly, the use of filters or post-production tools such as Photoshop or Camera 360 can only be considered as simulated art for social media platforms like Instagram as they really don’t hold the painstaking effort that artists try to capture in reality. Young artists today who apply modern photography tools have expressed how the Internet has helped them reach wider audiences or connections. But just the same, this does not guarantee whether that reach will view their works as artistic or otherwise.

Having reviewed all of these, it is absolutely necessary to point out a difference in how today’s generation perceives art wherein context now seems to be more valuable than form. This tells us that originality takes on the lesser parts of the frame to give way to more tweaked versions of what has already been done before. Studying the elements that brought classic art into the picture before the emergence of smartphones is the only way people can shift back to the perspective of true art. This means that the less we rely on digital, the closer we get to creating more valuable art pieces. If you want to find out more about Marc Primo Warren our services or just say hi, please reach out here.

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